In the crazy world in which we live, a blog looking to make sense of it all.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

License To Slum

Councilman Bob Manning offered an idea to help combat the growing problem of slum rental properties in Peoria; mandate that landlords be licensed to rent property. And if rental properties fall into disrepair, fine that landlord, or rather slumlord, a hefty amount.

The intentions are very well and the idea has some merit, but I’m skeptical. I’m pretty much a free market dude and think government regulation should be kept to a minimum. Like Tom Jefferson said, “That government is best which governs the least." I’m afraid that while one problem can be alleviated, one or more can be created.

Mr. Manning did point out that the fee would be minimal and should be easy enough to acquire. But for a deterrent, keep fines high. Sounds like years of being a financial consultant, Mr. Manning knows the corporate world do not like regulations and he’s trying to keep a balance. Now if a property should break code, in need of repairs and the owner is not compliant, how will this be enforced? What will be the cost of enforcement? How far can the city enforce this, ie evict the tenants? What will be the paperwork involved? The bureaucracy involved?

Here’s an idea. Since the city council is experts at using eminent domain, just take the property of offending slumlords for pennies on the dollar. Evict the tenants. Then sell the land to some developer and they’ll put in a hotel or a ball park or a strip mall. Then the next problem, the tenants will be forced to move to another part of town; maybe to *your* neighborhood.

Common Sense of it All: I’m not fully opposed to this, but my main concern is that, if not developed well, we’d be growing government with little or no benefit to the community. I was pleased to hear Mr. Manning state that they would outline a plan in an open forum and allow people to add their ideas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mentioned to someone the other day that licensing landlords, combined with contractor (lead abatement) licensing, an expanded lead paint code, and fine structure could possibly pay for a fire station. Mr. Manning KUDOS, don't be unprepared on the Pb issue, federal and state requirements are changing as we speak (type).
Time to unload the rentals. Signed, "U no hu"

March 22, 2006 11:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

spoken like a true politician... Find a small minority of the population and try to blow it up into a crisis. Good landlords in this city outnumber bad ones 100:1. Homeowners with rundown homes in disrepair outnumber bad landlords 1000:1. So the solution: present a "licensing" idea to raise revenue when existing city code is already in place to fine those in violation. Typical bull#$%^.

March 22, 2006 12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So then they will make Bradley hold such a license? Yea, they have much of the slums on Maplewood. It's a Code issue Peoria!!!

March 30, 2006 8:23 PM


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