In the crazy world in which we live, a blog looking to make sense of it all.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Vonster On Katrina

Fellow Peoria-blogger Vonster has a post today from an article on, which appears to be a quasi-Onion, parody news site. This particular article states that Calf. Representative Nancy Pelosi addressed a news conference among the destruction in New Orleans and told residents to "wake up and smell the personal responsibility."

While the story in question here is that of fiction, it speaks a lot of facts. I feel bad and I am sorry that so many lost so much and had to suffer so, but there are many there it seems that are just waiting on the government to take care of everything. These particular people are *so* dependent upon the government that they really don't know how to take care of themselves and they just expect the federal government to whisk their problems away. I realized this after watching a news clip earlier this summer.

Government on all levels failed miserably with the Katrina response. But the residents do not have to sit and wait for the government to fix all their problems. They can start by cleaning up their homes; throw out the destroyed furniture and such. If no one will haul it away, invite your neighbors over and have a bon fire.

Common Sense of it All: This story from sounded a bit harsh, but offered true realities. Many people need to assume some personal responsiblities and realize that the federal government shouldn't have to bail them out of everything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you e-mail me some kind of roughly square pic or graphic I can us as a link button to your site?


September 08, 2006 2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that these poor people rely mainly on the government to change their diapers. I feel bad that people died. But, I have seen some documentaries and some people are so f-n lazy that at least this got them off their sorry ass.

September 13, 2006 5:35 PM


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