In the crazy world in which we live, a blog looking to make sense of it all.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

See How You Like It

This is *so* typical between liberals and conservatives.

Remember a couple of years back, a TV-movie was to air on CBS about the Reagan administration? It starred James Brolin, who is well known as a political liberal, as Ronald Reagan. Supposedly, this film detailed many accounts to which the Reagan administration and other conservatives claim never happened.

According to a post I read at MSNBC by Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post, details an upcoming TV-movie to be aired on ABC called "The Path to 9/11." It is to be a "docu-drama" that shows the Clinton administration in a bad light and underminding attempts in trying to capture and/or kill Osama bin Laden. It reports that the Clinton administration is taking preemptive measures against the film and ABC, stating that many of the scenes are made up. The movie is to run disclaimers that the film is based upon events leading up to 9/11 and that it is a "dramatization and not a documentary."

Actually, I think both films are deplorable. Even though disclaimers are ran, it will still confuse many to the real truths of the story, which is essentially our history. In this latest spin from the liberals and Democrats, it shows that it is ok to distort the history of Ronald Reagan's time in office, but it's not ok to degrade Bill Clinton's time in office. Either way, a reflection of US History is getting distorted. And our history and facts are the innocent bystanders between the battle between liberals and conservatives.

In hindsight, Clinton probably could have done more to capture bin Laden. He has even publicly stated after 9/11 that he wished he had done more to capture him. But if the opportunity was really there, I think they would have taken it.

Remember in October of 2000 when the USS Cole was attacked. Instead of staying at the White House and planning a response to the attack, Clinton was out travelling the country saying goodbye to his constituants. I believe he sincerely now thinks he should have done things differently because no one at the time probably thought bin Laden was capable of pulling off 9/11.

Common Sense of it All: Most movies coming out of Hollywood today that have a story of our our history books are not accurate, factual films. It's no wonder our kids today don't know any of our history.


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