In the crazy world in which we live, a blog looking to make sense of it all.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Misadventures Of The Illinois Legislature

If things were not as serious, Springfield and one particular residence in the Chicago area would be a comedy of errors. I'm talking of course about our state leadership; or lack thereof.

For starters, we have a governor who refuses to pay current state bills, though I don't know where they'd find the money anyway. This governor is hellbent on raising taxes through a gross receipts tax, a scheme which does not sound very fair, that would pass higher costs onto consumers, runs the risk of loss of jobs, employee benefits and/or businesses leaving Illinois altogether. The governor claims that this new tax will raise over $7 billion, but he doesn't want to use that money, if it actually materializes, to pay current bills and obligations. No, he wants new spending programs!

Down in Springfield, the legislature did show some common sense and Overwhelmingly (with a capital "O") voted down this insane tax scheme. Unfortunately, the common sense stops there. From poor law created 10 years ago, Illinois residents and businesses are struggling with skyrocketing electric rates. Meanwhile, our lawmakers drag their feet on the problem and bicker amongst themselves. Our governor has displayed remarkable leadership on the problem by publicly stating, in so many words, that the state legislature needs to bring him a bill and that he will sign it.

But no, our state lawmakers are spending more time dealing with smoking ban laws. Most places are already smoke free, including many restaurants. Several cities already have smoking bans in place. So while millions of Illinoisans are paying outrageous electricity rates, the legislature feels it more imported to curb the tobacco use in public places. Guess this is why I'm not a law maker; I would have though the electricity issue would take priority. Huh?

And while on the topic, our great legislature is wanting to exempt casinos from the smoking ban. Let me get this straight; they are saying that restaurants and bars and private clubs such as the VFW are public places, but yet they want to make it legal to smoke in a casino? Isn't a casino then a public place? All we have to do is follow the money. The state will lose a lot of tax revenue if it kicks out all those smoking, slot machine playing taxpayers. So I guess they really don't care about our health. What about the tax revenue loss from loss tavern patronage? What about the loss in tax revenue in tobacco sales from those who quit smoking because it's become too much of a hassle?

The misadventures continue. In today's Peoria Journal Star, an Associated Press story accounts how Illinois lawmakers are defending the exorbitant costs to refurbish the statehouse. They have spent $20 thus far, but I'm sure they're not done yet. Of the refurbishment includes $950 urinals and a total of 25 door knobs, at $405 each, that bears the seal of the state of Illinois.

According to the AP/Journal Star:

Legislative leaders, however, defend the expenditures. Two Chicago
Democrats, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senete President Emil Jones, are
overseeing the work. And a Madigan spokesman, Steve Brown, explained that
historical renovations are expensive.

You know, we are not refurbishing the Abraham Lincoln home. We're trying to fix up a place for our leaders to do the people's business. Since when did urinals become "historical?" And a bigger question, where is the state finding the money to do all this?

Common Sense of it All: This state is in sorry shape and we as voters need to raise our voice, and cast sensable ballots in '08 and '10.


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